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How to clean my coffee machine

Fundamental to great tasting coffee at home is actually a clean coffee machine. Doesn't matter what machine you have fully auto or manual - the basics remain the same.

It may seem like quite a task, so let's break this down into bite sized activities which will literally only take you a couple minutes each day to clean your coffee machine so you can enjoy amazing coffee all of the time.

Let's make a habit of doing this Daily and Monthly - too easy right!


After every single shot is done, Purge the group head & wipe any excess coffee grounds from your portafilter basket - this will provide for the maximum amount of fresh coffee grounds available to brew with every shot!

Soon as you have finished making coffees for the day, Back Flush with your BLIND filter, without any chemical & also give the grouphead a quick brush & purge so that the next time you want to make coffees you've got a pretty clean machine to start with.


Once a week, preferably after your morning coffees are made, Back flush & purge with your BLIND filter and then place approx 1.5g of Caffetto or equivalent chemical cleaner into the BLIND filter and go through a run of at least 5 - 7 back flushes untill oils have come out.

Then do a rinse cycle with just your BLIND filter and no chemical, again between 5 - 7 times until you have clear water present in the BLIND filter.

Soak the portafilter, basket and if you are accomplished with your way around your machine, also remove the shower screen off the group head.

Use an old (empty) icream container with hot water + 1.5g of chemical and allow these to soak for at least ten minutes.

Then rinse off any excess chemical ready for use next time.

Now that you are armed with the knowledge of how easy it is to make sure your espresso coffee machine is clean, you can enjoy the best flavours and make the most amazing coffees at home. An added benefit to a clean machine is a longer lasting machine.

Make sure you checkout all our specialty roasted arabica coffee beans HERE

Any questions - please let me know!

Shafeen Mussa

Founder - Managing Director

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