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How to brew Plunger Coffee perfectly

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

The humble plunger is so often overlooked as a way to make great coffee. Brew it right and it can be amazing!

The Plunger

Often called a French press by some people and plunger by others, it was invented in 1852 originally by the French but concurrently also by Italian inventors. Both countries of course have a long history of consuming coffee, plunger being very popular even to this day.

Plunger coffee is brewed by lots of people worldwide, not only by European coffee drinkers and as such Australian households also use this humble coffee maker.

Why use a Plunger?

You can use it anywhere, that includes home, office or even the great outdoors while camping!

What types of coffee can you make?

Black coffee is what will essentially be produced by this brew method.

Milk coffee drinkers, will need to add milk to their cup off coffee.

As far as taste is concerned - both as black and milk coffee, can be absolutely amazing!

As for how to make it amazing, we are about to explain that in a second.

Plunger is made of

Glass cylinder.

Plunger with mesh filter , this has a lid integrated.

You will need

  • Plunger

  • Boiling water

  • Ground coffee (filter grind)

  • Table spoon


  1. Boil water - enough for the number cups of coffee you are going to make.

  2. Grind or have Ground coffee, you will need 1 heaped tablespoon per cup you are making.

  3. Add the ground coffee grounds to the plunger.

  4. Don't add Boiling water - let it cool a couple degrees.

  5. Then add your boiled water.

  6. Stir all the grounds thoroughly.

  7. Let it brew for 4-5mins.

  8. Then depress the plunger.

  9. Serve.

What coffee should I use?

Medium to dark coffee blends like MILANO and ESPRESSO are best for brewing plunger.

This is because you'll be using a low pressure method of brewing coffee, as opposed to e.g. an espresso machine where there are high pressures involved to push water through ground coffee.

What makes an amazing brew?

You'll need the right coffee blend, ground for filter. While using the right amount of coffee grounds to water. Another tip is to let your boiling water cool down just a little bit, where it will probably sit at about 96 degrees Celsius.

You will taste the following - if it is done right:

  • Full bodied coffee

  • Rich, textured feel to your cup

  • Smooth and rounded in flavour

Have a look at our coffee blends HERE

I am hoping this will enable lots of people with how to make an amazing plunger coffee. Once you get it right, you'll wish you knew how to before. Practice makes perfect so keep experimenting!

Shafeen Mussa


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