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Finding your cup of coffee

Updated: Sep 4, 2022

There are hundreds of brewing methods, beans, blends and origins to choose from - how do you find your cup?

Most of us who are busy with our daily lives - work, commute, kid's drop off and everything in between generally don't have a great deal of time to explore all of the different brew methods, origins and blends. We normally default to the local coffee shop, grab our usual and go off.

Find your cup

Whether you're looking for the usual milk based coffee or want to do some exploring - how we drink our coffee has become incredibly personal. Rightly so as well! - for many of us it's a cup of sanity in what seems to be a madly busy world. Just indulge in it for a few minutes - stay in your happy place.

Exploring different brew methods, different beans & blends is actually easier that you think it is. Let's start very simply by breaking down the whole practice of drinking coffee into an experience that involves all of the senses.

Stop for one moment next time you are sipping coffee - sight, smell, taste, touch and let's not forget sounds as well.

Smell & Taste

Smell & taste are the primary senses through which you experience the coffee you brew at home, consume from a coffee shop.

What smells and tastes most appeal to you?

let your senses guide you after that.

Milk coffee vs Black coffee

Stop for one moment next time you are sipping coffee - sight, smell, taste, touch and let's not forget sounds as well. .

Most coffee is brewed for either of two outcomes - for milk based beverages or non milk based beverages.

Milk based - espresso forms the base of the beverage + dairy milk (or alternative milk) is steamed and added to the espresso. Variables - amount of espresso added to a corresponding volume of milk.

Macchiato, Piccolo, Latte, Flat White & Cappuccino - are all considered milk based coffee.

Espresso/ Short Black & Long Black - are considered non milk based coffee.

We recommend these - find your cup of coffee

If you like a strong coffee - espresso on it's own or a long black.

Black coffee usually highlights the strongest and most robust flavours but also will reveal nuances that are not picked up once milk is added.

Milk based coffee is usually more rounded and balanced, it is less intense than non milk based coffee.

Most intense milk beverages - Macchiato & Piccolo

Less intense milk beverages - Latte, Flat White & Cappuccino

Is there any right or wrong?

Not at all - what you like and how you like your coffee is totally personal.

Milk based coffee can be as flavoursome and enjoyable as non-milk based coffee.

Choosing a coffee blend - we have one for everyone

We have carefully selected origins, roasted and blended them to perfection so that you can enjoy coffee with milk and also without. This shall enable you to personalise how you brew and drink your coffee the way you like. Highly recommend familiarising yourself with the product guide which will out line which blend will be best for which particular brew method.

All of our blends have been crafted by a master roaster - check them out below.


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